TAT Cards – Picture 4: A man turning away while a woman who is grabbing his shoulders

Manifest Content

We see a woman next to a man turning away from her. There is no generational difference.

Latent Content

This card centers on the relationship of a heterosexual couple. There is, clearly, conflict with two opposite feelings. There is aggressiveness in the man’s posture and look, and tenderness in the woman’s facial expression.

What to Expect

You should expect the drive movement to emerge in the story. It is fundamental the connection between aggressiveness and libido – the ambivalence in the relationship.

Identity Issues: The patient can’t take a definite position in the characters’ roles. Throughout the story, the roles of each one change. Sometimes the man is strong and powerful, and the woman fragile or dependent; then, the woman is dominant and the man weak and submissive. This reveals some instability in the subject. The patient can also show identity issues by the nonexistence of any bond between the characters.