TAT Cards – Picture 8BM: A young boy looking out of the picture. In the background, two men seem to be operating a third one.

Manifest Content

In a closer plan, there is a teenage boy with a rifle or shotgun close to him. He is turning his back at the scene behind, where two men are leaning over a third one lying down. It seems they are performing a surgery.

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This card is about aggressiveness. There is a scene of open aggressiveness where two adults and a teenager are in contradictory positions.

What to Expect

The conflict should be centered in the aggressive scene behind, and the boy’s relationship with it. Did the boy attack the man? Did he kill him? Is the boy worried about him? Can’t he look at the surgery being performed? What is his role in the scene?

Note: What’s essential in this story is how the subject deals with the matter of aggressiveness. Is the patient separating the scenes in the story? Or is he or she able to elaborate a story that includes both scenes as one?