TAT Cards – Picture 3BM: A boy huddled next to a couch

Manifest Content

An apparently male individual (image wittingly ambiguous) is huddled next to a couch or bench. His age is undetermined, and there is a vague object next to him.

Latent Content

Depressive posture, the person is on his knees and doesn’t allow us to see his face. It is also known as a defensive position. This card connects the patient with the problematic of loss.

What to Expect

This picture is supposed to lead the subject to create negative stories. They must recognize the depressive position. He (or she) is sad about something. The clinic can ask why the character is sad. It is a critical card, especially with depressive patients – pay attention to signs of possible suicide intention.

Neurotic functioning: The subject can recognize and deal with the depressive position. Yet, the conflict is between the desires and the interdiction, preventing him from satisfying them. The depressive feeling is dominated by the guilt and unconscious fear of punishment. (Ex: “He is sad because he had a bad grade and he is afraid of his parents.”)

Narcissistic functioning: The loss of the object is the center. The subject always finds an external reason for the lost – blame other people for his failures. It shows low self-esteem and feelings of inferiority and shame.

Psychotic Functioning: The depression can be recognized, but not the loss. It can appear themes of destruction or paranoia. Aggressiveness is not toward themselves but towards others.

Note: There is another picture – 3GF – that you can see below. Yet, the image is quite similar, and 3BM brings out richer stories. Thus, 3BM is currently used with both males and females.

2 thoughts on “TAT Cards – Picture 3BM: A boy huddled next to a couch

  1. Pingback: TAT – Thematic Apperception Test | Psychology in our World
  2. Pingback: TAT Cards – Content and Interpretation | Psychology in our World

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